Saturday, December 03, 2005

It's Good to be a Wise Guy

It's Good to be a Wise Guy

Song of Solomon
Some Psalms
Lamentations ?

What is Wisdom?

The term “fool” is used 72 times in Proverbs!

Talking Point: What is a fool? Who are fools? Are you and I fools?

The term “wisdom” is used 54 times in Proverbs!

Definition: “Wisdom is the ability to make godly choices in life.”

Talking Point: Are you and I wise?

Abuse of Wisdom Literature
Don't read it in bits and pieces and miss the overall message.

Proverbs have been used to provide a basis for selfish, materialistic, shortsighted behavior just the opposite of what God intended.

Many wise sounding statements in Job are actually the false counsel of Job’s wise-sounding comforters. Their counsel was commonly in error.

Who is Wise?
Talking Point: What is something you have done that was not wise? Why should I even care if I am wise?

Some have more wisdom than others. Some have so applied themselves to the accumulation of wisdom that they may rightly be called “wise”.

Key: The first step in biblical wisdom is knowing God and committing your life to him

The wise person was highly practical, not theoretical, able to make plans, make choices and to execute them.

Teachers of Wisdom
Talking point: Why do we not teach or mentor people in the area of wisdom? Why did ancient cultures? Who’s culture is wiser… theirs or ours?

The Limits of Wisdom

  • Not all wisdom is godly or orthodox
  • Wisdom does not cover all aspects of life

Wisdom in Proverbs
The Book of Proverbs focuses mostly on practical attitudes and behavior in everyday life.

It is a collection of advisory statements designed to help a person to grow up happy, well-liked, morally upright, prosperous, and successful the kinds of attributes we parents want to see accumulated by our children.

No guarantees come with such teaching, but “What Proverbs does say is that, all things being equal, there are basic attitudes and patterns of behavior that will help a person grow into responsible adulthood”.

Talking Point: Look at Proverbs 3:21-26

  • What do you learn about your life and wisdom from this passage?
  • Based on this passage, what is something in your life you would “do differently” if it were possible?

Wisdom in Job

Mostly a dialogue between Job and his well-meaning but desperately wrong “comforters”

What happens in life does not always happen either because God desires it or because it is fair.

Job’s comforters believe that God always brings good to those who do good and brings suffering to those who do evil.

Job, God, and the book of Job all refute that claim.

Talking Points: Read Job 20:1-11. In what way(s) is(are) Zophar wrong? How have we been like Zophar?

Wisdom in Ecclesiastes

Do not take phrases and lines out of context

Talking Points: Read Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 and 5:18-20.

  • Should we eat, drink and party? Why? Why not?
  • Why should we do what is in 12:13-14 rather than what is in 5:18-20?

Wisdom in Song of Songs
Song of Songs is a lengthy love song, a ballad of human romance, written in the style of ancient Near Eastern lyric poetry

Solomon wrote it because it promotes the ‘wise choice’ of marital and sexual fidelity.

It is a message about passionate love between a man and a woman, specifically a husband and wife.

Realize that the Song emphasizes values uncommon today, it’s not about self-indulging but about fulfilling the needs of the other person.

Talking Point: Read Song of Songs 1:15-16 and 5:9.

  • How do guys use words (1:15-16) like this to impress a gal and get physically involved with her?
  • If you fall in love with a female, why should she believe you if you have used these types of words (1:15-16) on other females or if other guys have used them on her?
  • How would the female you like answer the questions of 5:9 based on your actions?
  • Why should you even care?
  • How would you want another guy to be treating the gal you are eventually going to marry?